Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Open House on the Sardis Church Road connector took place on January 24, 2006. The news made it out to be such a horrible project. The Telegraph's S. Heather Duncan got on her envirocrazy soapbox a little bit.

Here are some dandy maps. I saved the maps in case the link dies.

Dirt should be turned same time next year. However I do feel for Martha and Joe Hymerling and the others losing their homes. I pray they are justly compensated.

The road will be a good thing for the county but I doubt we will succeed in attracting much industry as long as Jack Ellis is in office and we refuse to take back our city and county from the race baiters and old boy network.

I also modified some maps for easier viewing. I may post those later.


BEEBEE said...

Dear Kat,

I will be surprised if dirt gets turned within a year, but that is not to say that I have never been surprised. It is just that I know things usually move at a snail's pace around here. It is no doubt that the people that are going to lose homes is a tragedy, and it makes me wonder if it is worth it. Hartley Bridge Road is so crowded these days that something needs to be done. I never dreamed that I would have to wait to pull out of my office when I get off work, but traffic is congested at certain times of the day.

Have a great month!

BEEBEE said...

Hello, Kat. Do you know who Virgil Pope is? He emailed me and told me to stop trashing David Corr, called me a yankee, an Nazi fascist and told me to move back north! I told him that other people felt that David Corr was not in the main stream of other voters. I suppose David gave him my email address because I had blocked David from emailing me. You know who I am, so if you get time give me a call, please.

Take care. Some people in Macon are out and out jerks.

KAT said...

I don't know who Virgil Pope is. He may be another twit who is nothing but friction upon the body politic in Macon.

I hate it when people call names but when someone comes into our town with enriching ideas (many come with kooky ideas that destroy, yes) and they are run out it makes us poorer.

Charlotte and Atlanta have gained from "Yankees" and an attitude that has destroyed the Old South social pyramid and moved these cities forward. I love Southern values and the nice-and-quiet countryside so I hope-and think- both attiudes can coexist.

Gosh I'm so behind in my Letters to the Editor. Between environmentalist reporters and incompetent 911 centers I am so backlogged.