Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sheriff Jerry Modena, according to the 5/24 Telegraph, mentioned litigation against the Bibb County Commission for failing to give him money to buy adequate equipment and manpower. I cannot vouch for the legality of this though the sheriff's PIO, CPT David Davis, advised the law required the Commission adequately fund the BSO.

Joe Allen, commissioner for West Bibb, held up one finger according to a 5/23 Telegraph article. This meant the sheriff should cut his budget by one million dollars. Guess where we can get close to 975,000.00.

Who's the richest, most spoiled payee for county taxes? You guessed it; The Medical Center. They want 975,000.00 more for indigent care- never mind that they are a non-profit hospital that is supposed to sustain itself. Of course substaining itself is not having Carlyle Place and a doctor's office on every corner. MCCG let its Level One trauma center designation go down the drain for lack of money and they won't put a heliport up on their roof because of the sign proclaiming themselves as the king's castle (or Faulk's castle).

Jerry Modena, in short, is getting Faulked. Big time. The county should cut MCCG and the museums and recreational leagues in order to take care of priority one- protecting its citizens.


1 comment:

KAT said...

From the author:
MCCG is a separate entity from Carlyle Place and the doctor's offices. However, to my knowledge, they are still Central Georgia Health Systems facilities.

And I did not mention how indigents are more and more clogging up the Medical Center's ER with cockinbull nonsense such as head colds.

I will admit the subject bore more researching especially when I didn't hear Joe Allen threaten to take over the Medical Center.

We do need to look at how big is too big or big enough for the MCCG or Central Georgia Health Systems. Perhaps the off-campus facilities are what is keeping MCCG going since more of Macn's populace is poor, stupid, and happy.