Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Outta Town?

I don't want to be greedy in these times when GM is on the ropes and a stimulus bill might kill off what little's left of the economy, but....

I am tired of stagnating in my career and my life. I put 110% of me into my job. So much is self-induced stress. I come home tired. This may earn me a trip to the doctor if more exercise doesn't build me up. My biggest goal is to live in a place of my own and to move upwards. Ten years as a tech has been wonderful and fun but there's more work- and more fun- to be had. I see the world, and the town, around me collapsing.

One thing is for sure; I need to smooth over some people skills and quell some impulsive aspects of my nature. But who was it that decided he was too tired for church? I'm in a cocoon and I want out immediately!

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