Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina hits the pump hard
Today I went to Warner Robins and saw the lines at the pumps. It wasn't quite 1979 all over again, much less 1973. It was close. The first sign something was wrong came as a man had his burgundy SUV half in the road and half out. I wondered what the problem was. The Shell store on Russell Parkway had a line. I had heard of gas going up.

Up the road another station had up to 3.35 per gallon. I went to Watson Boulevard and at the corner gas station at Houston Lake there was a line. A man took a 4 off the sign; what place alongside the decimal in the price I do not know. Byron had lines but not as long when I reached the Byron exit.

I reemerged from my house after putting groceries up (some take-to-work food) and took the Explorer to the corner gas station. Only premium grade could be found; it cost 3.00. I put enough to keep the machine going to town and church. I took my Chevy, half-full of gas, to Byron to put 10.00 worth of the precious fluid in my car since it will be the mainstay of the Kturner fleet.

It is hideous what I saw on TV; people needing help but not being able to go anywhere. Relief is on the way for them but it may be too late for the sick and elderly. I did a rip of a video copy of an old Civil Defense film on Hurricane Camille. We did a project in 1996 and used the film to depict relief services in a hurricane. Relief is a process that has to be organized. Sadly you cannot take a helicopter and just throw food nor can you take a johnboat and save the whole darned city. Some need help more than others and those who have to wait will fight you.

I wish I had a week to go down there and help partly to "do good" for the sake of doing good but mostly for want to help a fellow human.


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